Bettolino Kitchen

A Bettolino Birthday: Celebrating 8 Years in Redondo Beach

All month long, we’re celebrating eight years in business here at Bettolino Kitchen! It’s been an exciting journey, and there’s no one we’d have rather had on it with us than you. As we celebrate this Bettolino Birthday, let’s take a brief look back at our history and a peek at what’s to come in the future.

A Look Back

We started construction back in 2015 in the space that was formerly Gina Lee’s. Our grand opening took place in March of 2015, and we’ve been serving up our South Bay famous handmade pasta to the community ever since!

In the years that followed our grand opening, we experimented with our menu to create the perfect items that blend Italian classics with a California twist. We hosted events including cooking classes, live music, and various tasting menus. 

Even throughout the pandemic, we kept our doors open with takeout service and donated meals to our community’s first responders. Many of you joined us in outdoor dining service (remember our giant tent?) and have recently been returning back for larger celebrations with friends and family.

And, of course, we expanded our space in 2021 to the previously-vacant storefront next door, providing the opportunity for us to see more of you each and every day. The addition of the Betto Booth has become a real favorite around here, and the expanded bar has been an exciting place to be to watch sports while still getting great food and service.

In 2021, we expanded to the formerly vacant storefront next to us to add more space for you to join us.

A Look Forward

So, what’s to come in the next eight years? Of course, only time will tell! While we hold onto and value our traditions of great food and fantastic service, many of the things we do evolve to meet our community and guests’ needs. 

In the coming month, we look forward to an exciting birthday celebration with live music by Olivia Pucci on Tuesday evenings for the month of March. And, Dine LA is just around the corner again, happening Friday, March 31 through Sunday, April 16th. 

The best way to stay on top of what’s happening in our restaurant is to sign up for our Insider’s Club, where you’ll be the first to know what’s on the calendar through our periodic emails. Plus, you’ll receive a $10 gift card for your birthday, so we can celebrate you, too!

Olivia Pucci will sing at Bettolino Kitchen every Tuesday in March from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Join Us for Our Birthday Celebration

We hope to celebrate with you during the month of March as we celebrate another Bettolino Birthday! Reserve your table online or by phone at (310) 375-0500.

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