
Bettolino Kitchen Blog

At Bettolino Kitchen, we pride ourselves on our top-notch guest service. Everyone is treated like family here! But, did you know that there are a few simple restaurant hacks you can use to help us make your visit extra special?

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Even here in the South Bay, the early days of fall can get too hot to cook. We understand, and we’ve got your back! Our team selected 3 of their favorite summer weather Bettolino Kitchen dishes for you to enjoy on days like these.

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Now that we’ve had patio dining for a year, we’ve had the opportunity to make a lot of new friends. Some of them have two legs and sit at tables sipping from wine glasses, and some have four legs and sit in the shade under the tables and slurp from doggy bowls. We love to see people bring a dog to Bettolino!

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We opened Bettolino Kitchen in 2015, but our story started long before that. Let’s start from the top. My great Grandparents Gaetano and Francis Giuliano founded Giuliano’s Deli in 1959 when my Dad Steve was just 4 years old. My Dad spent his entire childhood working and playing there. He learned so much from his […]

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Our pasta normally sits front and center on the stage here at Bettolino Kitchen. But did you know that we also serve up some dreamy paninis?

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It’s not uncommon for our guests to rave about our delicious, warm ciabatta bread. We love it too, and not just because it’s so tasty, but because it’s part of our family!

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Elainoir and her husband recently visited us for the first time, and she wrote a review that described their meal as “insanely delicious.”

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Just like every musical has a star of the show, so does every restaurant menu. And if you haven’t met our shining beauty yet, let us introduce you to our star: the Tortelloni al Limone.

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Recently, we received the question above from a happy hour guest. Our cocktail menu lists unique brand-name ingredients like Kin white whiskey, Saliza amaretto, and others that may be unfamiliar. It’s a question that we get fairly often, and thought we’d share a little more here with you!

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If you’ve visited our restaurant before, you’ve had the chance to meet our upbeat service staff. Or, perhaps you’ve even just had a friendly conversation with them on the phone while making a reservation or placing a takeout order. But, have you met our kitchen team yet?

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