
Bettolino Kitchen Blog

With the sun shining brightly and the temperature rising, it’s the perfect season to indulge in refreshing summer cocktails. Yes, we basically live in a California paradise year-round here in the South Bay. But there is something about a great cocktail in the summer that transports you to vacation mode. From twists on classic recipes […]

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We’re proud to be a fourth-generation family-owned restaurant in the South Bay. We truly wouldn’t be where we are today without the love and dedication of our family members who are so cherished by our community. This Father’s Day, we’re excited to introduce you in this post to a few of the very special dads […]

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If your calendar isn’t already full of cap and gown events, this is your reminder that it’s graduation party season! Every June, we see hundreds of graduates walk through our doors to celebrate with loved ones. For the families planning the celebration, it can be an overwhelming task to ensure that this major milestone is […]

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Warmer weather is just around the corner, and we couldn’t be luckier to be in one of the most beautiful cities to enjoy it. One of our favorite things to do when the sun is shining is to pack up our lunch for a beach picnic. We get it, beach picnics can get complicated. You’ve […]

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We absolutely love celebrating Mother’s Day at Bettolino Kitchen. Being part of dozens of families’ celebrations throughout the weekend is a really special time for us, and we love seeing the amazing women as they are cherished by their loved ones. Over the years, we’ve also gotten to see all the unique ways that families […]

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We’re always looking for a reason to raise our glasses for a toast. If you’re looking for a reason too, mark your calendar to celebrate National Wine Day with us on Thursday, May 25th! Whether you’re a seasoned sommelier or just enjoy a casual glass of red or white, National Wine Day is the perfect […]

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April 19th is National Garlic Day, but let’s be honest – true garlic lovers celebrate this delicious little clove in almost every meal! The history of garlic is a lot more detailed than one might imagine. Historians say that this little root was worshipped by ancient Egyptians thousands of years ago and even used as […]

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A classic Easter egg hunt is one of our kids’ favorite annual activities. They run all through the house, looking for clues and discovering prizes. Seeing the joy on their faces when they find something new is just as fun for us as parents! We’re giving you a little taste of the fun with an […]

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Not a day goes by that we don’t get asked about the delicious dipping oil recipe that we serve alongside our warm, fresh ciabatta bread from Giuliano’s bakery. Today, you’re in luck – because we’re sharing the dish on how we make it! The Number One Secret The number one secret to all of our […]

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All month long, we’re celebrating eight years in business here at Bettolino Kitchen! It’s been an exciting journey, and there’s no one we’d have rather had on it with us than you. As we celebrate this Bettolino Birthday, let’s take a brief look back at our history and a peek at what’s to come in […]

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